Paediatric surgery: 2nd floor, pad. 13
Paediatric Surgery is on the 2nd Floor of the Pavilion No. 13. Welcomes children aged between 1 and 14 y/o. There are four rooms with four beds each, the first is dedicated to Day Surgery, and a single room to treat post-intensive. You can visit patients at the following times: 7.00-8.00 hours, 12.00-14.00 hours; 19.00-21.00 hours. In order to ensure a more effective and regular course of care is appropriate that family members are not present during unauthorized times and never number more than one per patient. In the Department there is the Elementary School with 24 hours a week lessons that include activities for recovery and recreation. If a child can not get up, the teacher goes to the room of the patient.
Paediatric surgery neonatology : 3rd floor, pad. 13
The Neonatology paediatric surgery is on the 3rd floor of the Pavilion No. 13. Accepts infants from 0 to 30 days of life. It consists of two bassinets box with three each. To avoid infection, the entrance to the department is limited only to parents who can access freely, but may be present only at the following times: 14.00-15.00 hours, 18.00-20.00 hours. The re. To join Department should scrupulously follow the following rules of hygiene: Wash your hands thoroughly, keep long hair gathered or use a headset, wear a coat to cover the clothes.Breast milk is of absolute importance to infants. If you can not breast-feeding, the mother’s milk may be pulling in a clinic and at home. The milk will subsequently placed in a sterile bottle and handed in within the Department of 10.00 hours each morning. Breast milk should not be stored beyond 24 hours. There is also the possibility to freeze breast milk to be stored in freezer up to 3 months. Mum will be given advice on diet to follow. In the absence of milk baby will be given to the infant. Both the mother who stays in clinic that stays in one department and not sleeping in hospital are entitled to lunch and dinner are served in to that mother from 11.30-13.00 hours and from 18.00-19.00. When the mother is discharged from the Obstetrics Clinic, may decide to stay in the room reserved for mothers (because the number of beds is low it is best to contact the Hospital Psychologist), or reside in the Department throughout the day and go to sleep at home.
Paeditric surgery Infants: 3rd floor, pad. 13
The Infants Pediatric Surgery Infants is on the 3rd floor of the Pavilion No. 13. Welcomes children aged between 1 and 24 months. There are three rooms with two beds each and a room used as a dressing. Both parents can sit next to the only child in the first 24 hours after surgery or in special cases. The visit of other family member is possible at the following times: 14.00-15.00 hours, 18.00-20.00 hours. Meals for children are distributed at 7.00, 12.00, 15.00 and 18.00. Outside these times you can withdraw at the whitefish and turning to the kitchen crew preparing meals, or failing that, the Department nurse. Dishes, cutlery, glasses and bottles are disposable, and must subsequently be eliminated at the local waste facilities. For the hygiene of your material you will find everything you need in the area of sanitification. For hygienic care of your child used only the tank that found in your room, and that will then be cleansed in order to be used by others. The sink should be used only for washing hands. When you away, if only for a moment, remember to raise and fix the spondine bed. Do not trust the apparent immobility of your child.