May 18, 2022 Surgery and minimally invasive surgeryof congenital cystic pulmonary disease 🗓


9.00 a.m.

Preparation of the operating table for toracoscopic procedure –BolognaF. Martelli
Tips and tricks of anesthesiology in thoracoscopic surgery of the lung

– BolognaL. Pasini
Right bronchogenic cist: thoracoscopic approach. (live surgery) – BolognaM. Lima
Cystic pulmonary dysplasia with spontaneous pneumothorax: thoracoscopic approach (live surgery) – Bologna M. Lima

Right extralobar pulmonary sequestration: thoracoscopic approach.
(live surgery) VareseV. Gentilino

Pulmonary sequestration: thoracoscopic approach. (live surgery) – Bologna M. Lima

Cystic pulmonary dysplasia with spontaneous pneumothorax. Siena M. Messina 

Congenital cystic pulmonary diseases. Genova– M. Torre – G. Mattioli
Pulmonary resections in special cases of cystic malformation – PaviaG. Riccipetitoni
Thoracoscopy for chest (maybe if better intrathoracic) lesions in children

– Wroclaw (PL) D. Patkowski
Surgery and minimally invasive surgery of lobar emphysema – Graz (A) H.Till
Bronchogenic cist: thoracoscopic approach – LuxembourgP. Philippe
Thoracoscopic left lower lobectomy: how we do it (step by step) – VareseV. Gentilino
Question time –BolognaE. Thomas
Clinical cases – BolognaS. D’Antonio

 6.00 p.m. 

Registration is free and includes:
online lessons, live surgery links and certificate of attendance. This course awards 13,5 formative credits.
Sign up in advance for this meeting:
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 We very much look forward to your participation!For any further info, please contact the secretary organizing: 
 Minimally Invasive and Robotic Pediatric Surgery CenterIRCCS Policlinico S.Orsola, Bologna | U.O. Chirurgia Pediatrica, fourth floorTel. +39 051 214 4581 | 
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