Rationale for the initiative
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss a very delicate topic or the management of the fragile patient, especially in the aspects that concern the management of nutrition that significantly affects both the patient’s quality of life but also on those who provide for him, the so-called caregiver.
The meeting aims to act as a critical stimulus to evaluate what strategies are currently adopted nationally and internationally for the management of nutrition and the aspects related to it in these patients. In particular, we want to emphasize the definition of what the results are and compare them, so as to be able to define a therapeutic process shared by all those who are involved in the management of this patient.
08:00 – 08:30 Saluti e Introduzione ai lavori Mario Lima (Bologna), Girolamo Mattioli (Genova) 08:30 – 09:15 Etica e sostenibilità economica nel bambino fragile Paolo Petralia (Genova) 09:15 – 10:00 La nutrizione nel bambino fragile Claudio Romano (Messina), Paolo Gandullia (Genova), Antonella Diamanti (Roma) 10:00 – 10:45 La Chirurgia nutrizionale Mario Lima (Bologna), Girolamo Mattioli (Genova), Francesco Molinaro (Siena) 10:45 – 11:30 I risultati a distanza Claudio Romano (Messina), Paolo Gandullia (Genova), Antonella Diamanti (Roma), Mario Lima (Bologna), Girolamo Mattioli (Genova), Daniele Alberti (Brescia) Mario Messina (Siena), Luigi Dall’Oglio (Roma) 11:30 – 12:30 Discussione Moderatori: Mario Lima (Bologna), Girolamo Mattioli (Genova)
Direttore del Corso e Garante Scientifico: Prof. Girolamo Mattioli